

A suspend locomotive is a kind of auxiliary transportation equipment with strong mobility, fast operation speed, large load capacity, as well as safe and reliable driving in a suspended locomotive system. It is mainly used for the transportation of personnel, materials and heavy equipment.


由于井下设备涉及人员设备财产安全,单轨吊设备对行走驱动马达要求安全可靠,马达功率密度大,驱动力富有冗余以应对各种突发情况。因此在行走方面,国内外大厂多使用内曲线低速大扭矩方案波克兰液压作为内曲线马达的世界领导者, 解决方案已在知名单轨吊设备商芬瑞特 Ferrit)、贝克(Becker)等有了成功应用,国内厂商如尤洛卡、常州科试、新远大等也采用了波克兰液压的解决方案。我们的马达可以为机车提供行进力,马达上边安装着摩擦轮,摩擦轮压紧在工字梁(轨道)上。泵给马达供油,驱动马达转动,沿着轨道行走。当需要增加高速运行时,配上波克兰液压阀块,可通过旁通作用实现高速运行。

Because underground equipment involves the safety of personnel and equipment property, suspend locomotive requires safe and reliable walking drive motor, high motor power density, and redundancy of driving force to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations. Therefore, applying self-propelled machines, domestic and global OEMs use the cam-lobe low speed high torque solution, Poclain hydraulics as the world leader in the incurve motor, its solutions have been applied by Ferrit , Becker and some domestic manufacturers such as Uroica , Xinyuan, KS, etc. our motor provides the traveling force for the locomotive and propels machine to move along the I-beam. the friction wheel is installed on our motor. The friction wheel presses on the I-beam (track). The pump supplies oil to the motor and drives the motor to rotate and crawl along the track. When the load needs to be increased for high-speed operation, the Poclain hydraulic valve block can play a bypass role and reduce the total driving force.



According to the different torque requirements of the monorail crane, different numbers of motors are required. Generally, one group, that is, two motors provides 20KkN traction, so a 200kN monorail crane needs 20 motors and a 160kN monorail crane needs 16 motors, which is equivalent to the force to lift 3-4 adult elephants. 

来自OEM和终端用户的反馈 voice from OEM and end-users 


某单轨吊研发工程师:An OEM R&D engineer


The hydraulic drive system uses a French poclain radial piston direct drive motor, advanced technology, high reliability, especially convenient for direction change. It also reduces production costs, improves labor productivity, safety and efficiency.


某矿井负责人:An owner of mining

行走驱动使用波克兰马达,使机车运行质量更稳定、故障率更低,检修维护方便,在弯道较多的项道内可安全运行, 更能和遥控驾驶功能以及无线远程驾驶功能很好的匹配。


The suspended locomotive boasts low operation noise, low failure rate, easy maintenance, low price and strong climbing ability. It can realize the overall transportation of large equipment such as hydraulic support. The crawl drive uses a Poclain motor to make the locomotive operation quality more stable and the failure rate lower. It can run safely in the lane with more curves, and can better match the remote driving function and wireless remote driving function.


主办单位 中国煤炭工业协会

协办单位 中国中煤能源集团有限公司

承办单位 中国煤炭工业国际技术咨询有限责任公司


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